Heal with Her.





Natural  healing  means  accepting  N A T U R E  to  heal  your  body&mind.

Herbs, foods, pure water and earth itself are powerful medicine.
Connection to the elements and a trust to the flow of life allows us to see deeper, feel deeper.
And heal deeper.

Mother Earth is a healer

I have healed many things in me. My biggest healing journey was with cervical cancer. I had to go through an intensive treatment plan. I supported my body by taking care of it with food, herbs, water and earth. And sauna, fire.

Full blood analysis was revealing how I was seriously lacking nutrients in the body. Learning how the vitality of the soil runs through the food in to my body, gut health coming in big time. Learning about water and it’s amazing healing qualities as well the health benefit of grounding the body.

Combining all these things really gave me ton of strenght and valuable insights about my body and health.

As these elements are close to my heart and as well aligned with global mission in climate change,
I am happy to share my knowledge and experience.

Calling forth in collaboration for the greater good, all beautiful beings who wish to share their experience and knowledge on these medicines.

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Nature offers us a pharmacy

flowers, herbs, tree leaves, berries.. have so much medicinal properties. Many wild herbs detox the liver, clean your blood and give a gentle nudge to your organs. Taking care of your body in a gentle way.

We need western medicine, but we also need natural medicine – medicines that come directly from the nature.

We need both.

Listening to our bodies, so we could hear what we need.

We are most certainly NOT lacking information on how to use plants, how to heal with natural remedies.
The all mighty internet is full of information my friend, all social media channels. Just jump on the wave and start with it!
Grab a nettle.


“Vesi vanhin voitehista”, “Water,  oldest of the medicine” A Finnish old saying

Water has tremendous healing potential for the human mind, body and spirit. Water can physiologically and psychologically benefit people because of its therapeutic nature. For thousands of years it has been known to help cure illness, refresh the body and relax the mind. Since those ancient times water has been one of the most effective elements in combating illness and injury.

Indigenous communities have long recognized the power of nature in healing and maintaining holistic wellbeing. These cultures have developed unique practices and wisdom that demonstrate the deep connection between humans and the natural world.

All indigenous wisdomkeepers around the world have knowledge on the healing properties of water. Mona Polacca is a Native American spiritual leader from Arizona. She is a Hopi, Havasupai elder.
Listen to her beautiful talk about water.

Podcast series waterclan.earth is covering many internationally known characters, who are raising the awareness on alternative information in defining water.

My journey with water has been just AWESOME. I mean really,
Indiana Jones -awesome. Hands down.

I don´t care what who says where, but I received vitality and healing from water during my healing with cancer. I sang healing songs to the water and connected with it, I learned from it.

It sounds crazy in our western modern world, but our world as we know is on a way going back to something ancient. And our ancestors knew how to sing to the waters.



Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to the discovery that bodily contact with the Earth’s natural electric charge stabilizes the physiology at the deepest levels, reduces inflammation, pain, and stress, improves blood flow, energy, and sleep, and generates greater well-being. Such effects are profound, systemic, and foundational, and often develop rapidly.

Earthing effects immediately
In seconds:
-decreased tension in muscles
-calming brain wave patterns
-skin voltage readings normalizes

In hours:
-digestion is supported
-thyroid and basal metabolic function is boosted
-cortisol decreases
-blood sugar stabilizes

In days:
-blood pressure lowers
-inflammation decreases
-pain decreases
-sleep improves

Very often, some weeks I managed to do it daily, I created a fire outside, melted the ice and snow, heated the ground, pushed the goals aside, and when cooled off enough I put my bare feet in the fire pit. Earthing in the winter in Finland, hi there. 

I felt the difference immediately. It was like being thirsty and then finally someone gives the water. 


Let food be thy medicine

I have felt and seen in myself the healing effect of PURE food.

Pure, clean food means it has not been touch with chemicals, it comes from somewhere nearby from the earth.

Clean food has strong microbiome and gut health plays huge role in our health. Our bodies need much diversity in bacteria and nutrients. The more we can give our body as natural food as possible, the better we feel. And heal. 

Food is simply medicine. Sweet gift from Mother Earth. Unfortunately you can’t find the best stuff in shops, it comes directly from the earth to your hand, it is in the ground and on your plate the same day and has incredible amount nutrients and good bacteria for your body.

As food is great medicine, acriculture, if not already, will most likely be central part of community activities.

Nature gives us all we need. And we get to meet Her.

Dear visitor, if you have ideas
or a desire to connect,
please do not hesitate!

email: eslon.h@gmail.com

or connect via social media